Place: John R’s place in Camden 
In Attendance: Mike, Ian, Carl, John R, Brad, David, John B., David and Bob (via conference phone) 
Minutes submitted by: David 

It was a clear and cold night… 

1. Check In 

2. The procedure for posting board minutes was discussed. Draft minutes are sent to the board for review. Once minutes are adjusted a revised edition will be sent out to the board. John R. will forward them to Tom B to be published on the website. Dec 9, 2014 Minutes approved. 

3. Treasurer’s Report by Ian: Same as in December – ““The current bank balance with no pending bills is $2306.41.” We are in good financial shape at this point.” 

4. John R., board website liaison, has been in contact with Tom B (website guru). Tom is working to update the website with the minutes from the past few meetings. If you want anything to be posted on the Website contact John and he will in turn bring items to the board for review. John will then send the information to Tom for posting. 

5. 50th gathering for MCM will be the upcoming weekend, May 1, 2 & 3. It was agreed that this does not have to be the central theme that is being worked on by the Program committee. The board will encourage members to bring something: an idea, activity, a memory etc. to be shared during the weekend. At the weekend it will be discussed by the membership if we would like to have a summer event to celebrate this anniversary. It is felt that the current board does not need to plan every event but to support, encourage and help individuals who would like to plan something. 
• David will contact Vincent and Ham (Program Committee) to explain this concept 
• Lew and Ian will work on and send an e-mail to encourage men to bring “50” ideas to the upcoming weekend. 
• Bob will send Lew the information about the link to the video to be shared with this out going e-mail 
• Brad will contact Dan and develop a silk screen so men can make “50th Anniversary” T-shirt at the weekend. In the brochure each man will be asked to bring a shirt or two that can be silkscreened. 
• A decision was made not to do a fundraiser for the weekend. 
• David will contact BA who said he was able to get information about a place to gather this summer should we have a summer anniversary event. 
• Please contact any man who was instrumental in the development of MCM to attend this weekend in May. For that matter contact any man who has ever been to a weekend and encourage him to be there. 

6. The board has agreed that $3000 will be held in escrow to be used for weekends to ensure that money in not an issue in the future. This money can be used if needed for rent, supplies and scholarships. 

7. Philanthropy according to Wikipedia is as follows: 
Philanthropy (from Greek φιλανθρωπία) etymologically means “love of humanity” in the sense of caring, nourishing, developing and enhancing “what it is to be human” on both the benefactors’ (by identifying and exercising their values in giving and volunteering) and beneficiaries’ (by benefiting) parts. 
MCM board had a lively discussion about how men can help others. At the present time we do not have money to give and will not have any until our escrow account has the $3000 dollars to insure future weekends. Through discussion we realized that to be philanthropic we could use our talents and creative energies to find ways to help others. 
This concept has been done in the past when Tanglewood needed help with projects and MCM provided manpower to help. Brad will contact Rich and see if Tanglewood needs help at this time. Other ideas will be brainstormed and explored if we are asked for help. 
• A workshop on the topic of Philanthropy may be planned during our May weekend. A volunteer is needed to lead this discussion. 

8. Information for the May Brochure: 
• David will research a statement on prohibiting “Tree Nuts” to be used in the upcoming brochure. 
• Carl will write up a short plug for men to be thinking about the variety show before coming to the weekend. Carl will get this to David and David will send it to Dan electronically. 
• David will write one sentence to encourage men to do a workshop or develop a workshop idea and possibly co-facilitate with a friend. 
Information from December’s Minutes: 
Brochure mailings: The board felt that the mailing should go out 6 weeks before the weekend to give men enough time to decide as well as plan and encourage new members. A week before the mailing a “Fold and Stamp” session will be held at a place to be announced. The next weekend is May 1, 2 and 3rd. The plan is the mailing will be sent on March 23, 2015. The “Fold and Stamp” session will be the week of March 16. 

9. The board decided not to brainstorm topics for workshops as men usually bring their own ideas, passions or experiences in developing workshops. The board is willing to help men who have an idea to develop it and provide support if needed. 

10. Bob has committed to completing the daunting task of updating the mailing list by the end of January to be used for this upcoming weekend. 

11. Dan will be asked to develop a poster to be sent electronically to the men who attended the last weekend. Men will be ask to print it off and post copies in their town or where appropriate to promote the weekend. 

12. Copies of the past By-laws have not been found. It was decided that new ones would be written to reflect where MCM is today. 

13. Mission Statement – Ian has offered to do a workshop at the May weekend to develop a mission statement and start writing new by-laws . This is a great start to move forward. Thank You Ian. 

14. Board members are being asked to respond in a timely manner to any e-mail requesting information or opinions. 

15. Board meetings are open to all men. If any man would like to attend please contact any board member for current information about the time and place of the next meeting. 

16. Other: Bob has a conference line that works excellent if you are unable to attend the board meetings in person. Contact Bob at and he will provide the number, directions and passcode so you can connect with the meeting. You will be able to listen and share your input from your phone wherever you are. 

17. Next meeting: March 4, 2015, 6-8PM at John R. place 

Minutes approved: March 4, 2015